What follows is a response to a friends FaceBook question and I thought I would share.
"I am a pretty conservative Republican that likes smaller government and I DO NOT know of anyone that wants to know what people do in their own bedrooms with other consenting adults. Also, there comes a point when parents need to be parents and physically control where there kids go, what they do and with whom they are with. The more we use technology to track and identify, the more acceptable the invasion of our privacy becomes. You will see a time when we will no longer use paper currency or coinage and there will be three reasons for this. The first is the amount of counterfeit money we are seeing in the retail industry and the use by rogue nations to destabilize another's currency. The second will be the direct result of the deepening economic situation that is spreading to other countries. This could result in a linking of world currencies in order to stabilize the markets and evolve into a global currency system. If this happens, then it will necessitate the need for electronic controls on an individuals own personal economic situation. Third, with an ever increasing presence of centralized medical entities, whether private or government, the need will increase for the rapid exchange of information about ones physical and economical condition. IBM and other Multinational Companies are currently working on the miniaturization needed for both the Active and Passive Radio Frequency Identification Chips (RFID). Right now, many of those reading this are currently using all sort of products that have these chips )which are used for tracking and inventory control in the manufacturing and distribution system). Also, for those of you that use credit cards, the newer cards are being issued with these chips and are currently being used in upscale retail stores and it will spread. If you are ever in some upscale retail outlets in New York, London, Vienna etc. and a clerk comes up to you and offers you products that appeal to you, don't just think they are good guessers. Chances are you passed by a sensor at the door that accessed your purchasing information. So, go ahead and use the cell phones to track your kids, it will prepare them for the future. :) "
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