Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Mubarak needs to stabilize the situation in Egypt very quickly. The longer this drags out, the more the riots can take on a life of rebellion. Mubarak's regime has kept Egypt stable since Sadat's assassination. The same group fomenting o...pen rebellion now, is the same group behind Sadat's assassination.
There are several countries that will benefit from an unstable Egypt, with Iran being the main benefactor. If Egypt does sink deeper into turmoil, radical Islam and the radical Palestinians will reap the rewards. The more Egypt's military must focus on internal security, the less they can deploy resources to patrol the Sinai and disrupt infiltrators smuggling weapons and supplies into Israel and the Palestinian territories.
Syria has a mixed bag with the turmoil in Egypt. On the one hand, Assad will have some pressure taken off of him by the moderate Muslim countries in and around the Middle East as they turn their attention to their own internal security. This will allow Syria the opportunity to impede the investigation into the assassination of Hariri and continue to support Hezbollah in Lebanon. On the other hand, the continued growth and success of radical Islam poses a very grave threat to Assad's regime. Though Syria is an ally of Iran's, Iran may feel that it can fare better with a regime change in Syria and have influence over one that doesn't bend in the wind such as Syria does now.
Israel will have even more pressure on her borders. If Egypt falls to radicals, then the countries of Saudi Arabia and Iraq could follow with Turkey drifting more into Iran's camp and massive amounts of bloodshed washing over the area. If other countries of the Middle East either succumb or are influenced by radical Islam, then the countries of Europe and The United States will be more obliged to withdraw their support of Israel. If this happens, then Israel will become ever so more isolated and could result on a push to eliminate Israel and finish off the last remaining influence The United States would have in the area.

1 comment:

  1. Greetings;

    Why is it that some of us are finding it rather ironic that when a corporately controlled democracy receives a wink and a nod from the corporately controlled UN to evade a free society in order to incorporate a countries resources it’s called a Liberator, yet, when the peoples of the evaded country sets out to form a resistance in order to protect its countries resources it is deemed a terrorist organization by the corporately owned medias?

    “9-11 was a Ritual Human Sacrifice. That, and the obvious catalyst for the so called “War on Terror”. Behind the scenes, there is only One Party. Our Party. ‘Democracy’ is an illusion which is created to uphold your slavery. Whichever side ‘wins’; the Family wins.” – Hidden_Hand

    “Q: (L) What are the blasphemous titles on the heads of the beast in The Book of Revelation?
    A: In God we trust.
    Q: (L) “And the beast that I saw resembled a leopard?”
    A: New World Order. U.S. Is in sinister plot (opened STS conduit, made a “deal” with the so called “Devil” is playing both “sides” against the other).

    The invasion (willful takeover) will begin when programming is complete. (via media, aka religion, aka politics, aka HAARP, aka microwave transmissions, aka strobe lights such as TV, emergency vehicles, air craft, medicine, food and water contamination etc....) Don't trust! Don't ignore! Knowledge protects, ignorance endangers” – 6D STO

    Is nothing to fear, but only are lessons to learn. The very best to you on your journey of discovery,

    Travis @


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