Friday, February 27, 2015

Law To Change Kansas Conceal Carry.

The Kansas Senate has passed SB45 and the Kansas House is expected to pass it with ease. This would make Kansas the first state in the Union to allow Conceal Carry without a permit. Contrary to what the anti-gun and misinformed believe, this change in law only allows those that can legally purchase and own a firearm in the state of Kansas to Conceal Carry. Last year Kansas had passed a law strengthening open carry. In the past the laws were weak and municipalities were allowed to make their own laws and regulations restricting the carrying of firearms in public. At that time, many critics were crying and whining that our state, cities and neighborhoods would turn into the Wild West, with shootouts at the Okay corral taking place daily. This proved to be an absurd notion by those that have limited experience with firearms and are unable to comprehend the meaning of the Second Amendment of our U.S. Constitution. For those of you that are critics and fear this right to Conceal Carry, how many individuals have you seen walking down the street, armed to the the hilt with firearms? How many gun battles have there been with those that can legally own firearms? None, you say? Just as I thought. :)


  1. Greetings:
    The 2014 Open Carry law upgrade was great and now it looks like in 2015 we will be able to conceal carry without a license, or will we?

    What is the problem, you ask. Federal Law for Gun-Free School Zones which extends 1000 feet PAST the school property and there have been some successful prosecutions on this. How long is a city block? Think. Typically 8 blocks to a mile and 5280 feet in a mile. How far do you have to jog over, when, and how far down, with a loaded pistol in your glove box, to be legal?

    This stops at private property within the 1000 feet but does not stop at the street or in public housing property residence. This is invasive.

    Now imagine trying to go down the highway through a small town with two schools near the main street through town and having to know where you can detour over and around and down the necessary number of blocks to stay out of that zone.

    The only solution is that the gun has to be unloaded and locked in a case or you are going to be unloading you glove box gun and boxing it up at the edge of every little town you need to go through to get to the other side, and are you going to know where those schools are in a strange town? No, not without researching every town for where the schools are or you will be in that zone before you know it.

    For my little nearby town, I suspect it would be impossible to jog around the schools and stay legal without a license to carry and still get back on the highway on the other side without ending up on country roads to do it.

    Totally harassing this law is and this needs to be changed to the limits of the school property, and not beyond, in order to finish fixing our laws for our second amendment rights.

    When I was young and in high school, we had guns in our vehicles, on Pickup gun racks, not locked, on the back seat of cars or passenger seat front and even took one out to show to a friend after school and NO ONE thought anything about it. What has gone wrong with people these days?

    I am in my 60s with a college degree and was raised in the country, so I've had time to understand a few things about what is right, what works and what is absurd and doesn't. ---bye


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