President Obama was given an Honorary Law Degree from Notre Dame. The controversy surrounding this issue illustrates the importance that many of us put on the Anti abortion and Pro abortion debate. Many like to refer to those that support the woman's right to choose as pro choice. I prefer to call it a murder of convenience.
As a father of four, I find it hard to believe that a human can so callously terminate the life of the innocent. Those that support the rights of the woman to have an abortion like to refer to the developing baby as a fetus. In their own mind they can create the illusion of an invasive organism that must be eradicated. I can tell you that this so called fetus is truly a baby. I and my wife have seen the sonograms and they have left no doubt in us that these "fetuses" are living humans. At six weeks we have seen the heart beat of our fourth baby and the development of the babies small brain. Last week at 15 weeks we witnessed a truly amazing sight, it was a side view of our little baby and he (the technician took an educated guess, though we won't know for sure until 4 more weeks)had his little arms and legs curled up with his head appearing to be tucked down to his little chest.
I have been an anti abortion person all of my adult life. As a college student I became more aware of what an abortion entails and what the results are. I took a social sciences class titled "Human Sexual Behavior", in which I received an A of course. In this class. we studied the behaviors and practices associated with the act of sex throughout known history. Though studying this was quite fun and informative I might add, it came with a very sobering realization. That realization was the processes that take place during an abortion. I never knew what actually happened to the baby as it was prepped to be aborted. Their are several different techniques that are used. One is the injection of a salt solution into the woman's uterus. This is meant to kill by chemically burning the baby, causing the woman's body to reject the baby. The baby was referred to as a "candy apple baby" due to the fact that the solution turned the child brownish red much like a candy apple. Though there are many more chemical options, another is the use of blades to chop the baby up, much like a blender and its eventual vacuuming from the uterus. The most horrendous is the partial birth abortion. This murderous act is done by inducing labor and as the baby's head emerges from the woman's vaginal canal, a special vacuum instrument is inserted into the back of the babies head and his little brain is sucked out of his scull. Many of these babies, under natural circumstances, can actually live outside of the woman's body and be quite viable with the medical technology that we have available
This brings me back to the controversy involving Obama and Notre Dame. My question is how can a supposed Catholic educational institution bestow such a prestigious honor unto one that has a belief that runs counter to one of their basic tenants? More importantly, how can people of a supposed civilized country elect to office a man that holds life in such low regard?
I am a mother of 2 wondeful kids and you couldn't pay me to have an abortion. I think its sick outrages and I think it should be against the law. There are families out there who are willing to adopt kids that's why we have adoption services. I feel so bad about the babies who don't even get a chance to. Live life and see the world. I got one thing to say don't have kids if your going to abored them.
ReplyDeleteThank you for commenting. Unfortunately we live in a society of self absorption. We value ourselves more than we do those around us, especially our unborn children. Since Roe v Wade over 55,000,000 children have been aborted. Does it not seem odd that we had over 55,000 service men and woman killed during the Vietnam conflict and there were massive demonstration in the streets to end that war, but we allow millions of children to be killed and this is said to be a woman's right? Some of these children were killed due to medical reasons, most were killed for convenience sake.
ReplyDeleteI applaud you for your views. In some venues they may not be very popular. One of the hardest and most satisfying jobs one can have is being a parent. This is a person's true legacy.
Take care.