Thursday, October 30, 2008

2008 Election

In a few days we will be voting for our next President or at least telling our state's electoral delegates how to vote (Kansas, where I reside, will commit all 6 delegates to John McCain). We have two profound choices, do we grow or shrink the size of government. Neither candidate will shrink the government, but there is one that would like to grow government in a way that would make LBJ blush.

If one is to believe the polls and the popular media, Senator Barack Obama is poised to assume the role as President of the United States. Will this usher in a new age of enlightenment and caring for the welfare of the masses? Or will it lead us down the road to our own demise as an independent and diverse people. It is easy to get sucked in by ones charisma, especially if you have a void in yourself that needs filled. Senator Obama definitely has the charisma, but does he have the knowledge, wisdom and forethought to lead the world's greatest nation? If past associations is any indication then I would think not ( Ayers, Wright, Khalidi, Resco and others).

On November 5Th we will wake up with a new President set to take office in January. At that time we will get the leadership that we deserve, but will we get the leadership that our children deserve?

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