Friday, March 21, 2008

Obama For President?

I find it rather fascinating that so many will vote for a candidate that says so much but delivers so little. What does he stand for, HOPE? Hope for what? Hope for who? Hope is such an abstract illusion and means different things to different people

Hope is something you have when your life is either out of control or else you are just too lazy to achieve.

Hope is a wish that you want another to grant.

Hope is something we have while being led to the slaughter house and we hope that our butcher is merciful.

Give me something more than hope. Give me substance and the facts to make an educated decision.

Leave hope for the uneducated, self centered, the naive and those willing to go to the slaughter house.

I have some major questions for Obama.

1. Who are you? (Your core beliefs)
2 Where did you come from? (What political machine/special interests were involved).
3. Why are people intrigued by your rhetoric, but fail to ask for substance concerning the issues that we presently face as a country?

Hell, in viewing our line up of Presidential Candidates I have come to the conclusion that I should vote for myself.

Here is a small snippit of what I would try to accomplish (one must remember that it also involves Congress).

1. ENERGY- Push to ease restrictions instituted by government agencies restricting the exploration and mining of fossil fuels on federal and private lands.
Ease EPA regulations concerning the reformulation of fuels and push the state and local governments to do the same.
Push to lower the amount of taxes that are collected on each gallon of gasoline/diesel fuel. This amounts to at least 40 cents per gallon.
Have a crash program to bring more nuclear and coal fired electrical generation plants on line.
Keep investing in the research and development of alternate forms of energy.

2. Military- Keep our military superiority second to none.
Invest in research and development of military technology, weapons procurement, training, etc.
Present and former military personnel will have the most up to date in medical care. Hold individuals responsible for this
Recruit only the best and highly motivated individuals for our military and pay them accordingly.

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