Monday, August 6, 2007

What my beliefs are.

What a person believes says a lot about their character or at least it is a measure of the kind of person you are. I have many beliefs that I feel makes up the core of the person I am.

Here are just a few.

Friends - I have only a few friends. These are people that will be there when I need them and I for them. The rest are just acquaintances.

Religious Beliefs - I believe in God and Jesus as the basis for everything good. Everything else is just mumbo jumbo by others that want to feel special and unique, because of lack of faith in themselves.

Family - The most important next to God and Jesus (who are part of my family). Marriage and devotion is essential to my family life. When you get married and create a family, that part of your life supersedes all other material aspirations.

Political Views - Some very strong beliefs and opinions (of which I hope to discuss in this Blog). I am willing to listen to another's opinion as long as it is not derogatory and crude.

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