Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Energy Independence

With the continued rise in energy costs, I am totally amazed that we have not had a grass roots push for energy independence by our fellow citizens. I, for one, think that we must become energy independent for not only the sake of our economy, but for our own national security.

I believe so strongly in this goal, that I have contacted various members of both our state and national legislatures. Kansas is a leader in the area of bio fuels and is set to be the leader for many years to come. I believe that this area of expertise is critical for the economy of the state (though this may have the adverse effect of raising prices on most corn based food products). More importantly, I believe that we must push for private industry to invest in nuclear power facilities in our state. Though I am not a proponent of "Big Government", our local, county, state and federal governments should initiate and promote investment in this area.

I also believe that we should lift the restrictions imposed on the drilling in the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge Area, as well as the restrictions imposed for offshore exploration and drilling.

Our energy independence needs to incorporate the main items listed above. This should also include solar, tidal, geothermal, hydro and a myriad of other technologies that are still in their infancy.

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