Saturday, December 12, 2009

RFID Chips and National Health Care

RFID chips are progressing at an astronomical rate. We use them quite extensively in retail and the applications are limitless. With the advent of a nation wide health care system coming down, in one form or another, the need for tracking ones health care records will be critical and RFID's will play a role. RFID's come in two basic forms, passive and active. The passive is used to track products in a distribution system. The active has been reduced to half the size of a grain of rice and is used to store information. With information implanted on ones person, the need for filling out forms at the medical facility will be nil, as the chip will transmit the most current data for the patient. Think of how useful this will be for those unable to communicate with their care givers.
These chips will also serve as ID. There will no longer be the need for paper documents such as drivers licenses, Social Security cards and Birth Certificates, as they will be readily accessible when needed, limiting the incidents of identity theft. The need for cash will disappear, making shopping easier. With out chip and its unique identifier, one will not be allowed to buy or sell products or even work.
Just think.....we, may one day, may all have the proverbial mark.

1 comment:

  1. this is very interesting ;)
    Amazing how God was able to keep track of us without the chip.


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