Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The New American Fascist Party

FASCISM-"A political regime, usually totalitarian, ideologically based on centralized government, government control of business, repression of criticism or opposition, a leader cult and exalting the state and/or religion above individual rights. Originally only applied (usually capitalized) to Benito Mussolini's Italy."

It seems as a country, we are headed down the path of Fascism. We now have the Federal Government overtly involved with business and industry. Through the supposed stimulus (aka bailout) legislation passed by Congress, private enterprise is now beginning to fall under the direct control of the central government. More importantly this control is concentrated in the Executive branch, where President Obama and his staff are naming a series of "Czars" to control and manage the economic engines of our great nation.

The President would make Franco and Mussolini proud. In only 6 months we have witnessed the most catastrophic unconstitutional abuse of presidential power since our country's inception over 230 years ago. This makes FDR's efforts pale in comparison and has set our country on a path devoid of prosperity.

Congress has now become a rubber stamp shell of its former self and is failing in the oath of office they pledged to uphold. The House of Representatives is passing legislation that they have failed to read and comprehend. These legislative boondoggles include the current stimulus package and, more recently, the Cap and Trade farce (H.R. 2454). The fact that they were asleep at the wheel came to light when ranking members of the majority Democratic party admitted that they had not read the entire legislation. Instead, they relied on briefings from the White house and a 300 page synopsis of the 1200 page H.R. 2454. The Bill was released from committee at 3pm and voted on at 6pm the same day. The vote was 211 Democrats plus 8 renegade Republicans for, with 211 Republicans against. Talk about dereliction of duty, these people are either too lazy, too corrupt, or just lack the intelligence to serve for the greatest Republic the world has ever known. I will venture to say that not more than 5% of the Democrats are speed readers, so how could they have read and digested over 1200 pages of legislative legalize in less than 3 hours?

In my opinion, the Democratic Party should hence forth be known as the New American Fascist Party (NAFP). Any Republicans that wish to support legislation that puts so much power under one person's control, which is happening now with the Obama administration, will be known as Junior Party Members of NAFP.

Wake up people! What is now happening in Washington, not only affects the banks and car manufacturers, it will affect everyone from industry, small business owners, farmers and everyday people that are trying their best to provide for their families. If we continue on this path of recklessness, we will see our standard of living erode and our economy slip to the point where we will be asking countries like India and China to support us through loans. OOPS, seems that we are already asking China for another $1 trillion of investment loans. I wonder how much we can get for the White House at foreclosure time?


  1. the last line is a real zinger!!
    good piece Scott!

  2. Your last line is a real zinger!!!
    Good piece Scott. Yet even if everyone does wake up are we too lazy a society to anything about it. Everything is just so bizarre--or should I say biCZAR.

  3. Aliza, thank you for the comment. They are not as good as your zingers though.
    Take care.


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