President Obama has been in office over 60 days now. I have been trying to reserve my thoughts and give him a fair shake. It intrigues me that he does his best to try and communicate his ideas and plans to the American public through the use of late night talk shows, regular news conferences and a national address. He definitely knows how to use the media and seems quite comfortable with the electronic venues. Unfortunately I find that he gives mixed signals on many items.
A few things that concern me.
1. The "Global War on Terror" is now to be called "Overseas Contingency Operation".
2. Acts of Terrorism is now "Man caused disaster".
3. States that he inherited a huge deficit, then proposes one himself. He fails to mention that he was a voting member of congress when some of the huge spending took place.
4. Has proposed increases in foreign aid, though he spoke out against this before being elected to the Presidency.
5. Has stated that the "rich" need to pay more in taxes and has advocated that the tax deduction for charitable contributions be lowered, while maintaining that the contributions will not be affected. Funny thing about this is the fact that he gave very little of his personal income to charities.
6. Mandatory Volunteerism? Volunteerism is a good thing. We are teaching our own young children about the civic importance of volunteering ones own time to help in the community. Making it mandatory is absurd. Once you make volunteerism mandatory, it ceases to be voluntary.
7. Has caused instability in the currency markets by proposing increases in the National Debt. This is a hot point for both Russia and China, which both are advocating the move to a one world currency. This is especially troublesome considering that China is being asked to shoulder the costs of our deficit spending. What, did many of you think that the government just pulls money out of thin air? It either has to borrow it or print it. If it prints it then the dollar becomes devalued and inflation occurs. If it is borrowed then the lender becomes the true owner.
8. So far, has shown poor judgment in his cabinet picks.
9. Originally proposed that our service men and woman pay for part of their medical service obtained at the VA hospitals. This has since been dropped, due to public and bipartisan congressional outcry over this ill thought out plan.
The above is but a small sampling. No wonder President Obama's approval rating has now fallen below the magic 50%. It is lower than that of President Bush's rating for the same time period (considering the outcry from the left that Bush stole the election in true Chicago style).
I am not quite willing to call him the Antichrist just yet, though his friend Soros may be close to it, but he is worth keeping an eye on. In order for that to be a concern he must take control of the financial markets, create strong allegiance through personality alone, use double speak, create world chaos and make promises he can't keep. OOPS!! Those are in the mix. At least he is not advocating social based armies, the use of biometric identification and tracking for citizens (after all, this would entail a great leap in computing power) and class warfare. Hmmm....maybe I need to think on this awhile.
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