Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Hypocrisy Of The Left

It is true that hypocrisy knows no bounds. The inauguration of President Obama was a celebrity gala event. Estimates of the events planned for the newly sworn in President was reported to be in the $150 million to $170 million range. This would be the most expensive inauguration in history, nearly 4 times the amount spent for President George Bush's second term. Celebrities from all over descended on Washington D.C. to take in the festivities. It was widely reported in the press that Dulles had to shut down one runway in order to accommodate parking for the large influx of private jets flying celebs in for the gala event (not to mention the cost to the environment for this additional air travel).

I don't fault those that want to partake in this historical event that is the Presidential Inauguration. What I do think is hypocritical is the amount of money wasted. Granted, most of the money spent for the celebration dinners and dances came from contributions, but the point lies in the fact that this money could have been spent elsewhere. President Obama could have insisted that the inauguration committee keep the ceremonies simple and cost effective. If these people truly believed in helping their fellow citizen, they would have pledged the money to feeding and clothing the needy or contribute to the funding of children medical initiatives. Instead, the money was used to party and continue in the ways of excess. So goes the hypocrisy of the left.


  1. Not surprising. Most say one thing and do another. It is seen in everyday life. Must be the forest for the trees concept.

  2. Thanks, for posting. Unfortunately, I believe that to be part of human nature. It is always easier to lecture and ask someone else to sacrifice than it is to ask the same of ourselves. Or, our egos overwhelm and we tell ourselves that we are doing our part when in fact we are not.
    Take care.


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