Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The Herd Mentality

Have you ever noticed that when you shop, whether it be at the grocery store or a department store, there is never a line at the checkout stands when you first arrive? You do a little shopping and when you get ready to pay for your items, everyone else decides that they want to pay at the same time you do. The lines become long and people rush up to get ahead of others, creating mass chaos. It is like flies to a pile of cow dung.

I have named this phenomenon "the herd mentality". I have always thought that this would be a great sociological study. I would start out with the premise that humans are much like bovine (cows for those of you with a higher education) and they roam in groups in the same way. They may not realize it, but it seems as if humans are synced with one another. We all seem to eat, sleep and shop at approximately the same time.

The same is true for cattle herds. If you ever visit a farm, you will notice that the cattle eat and sleep at the same time of others in the herd.


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