Monday, August 27, 2007

Just The Basics

It is surprising how many of my fellow citizens do not know the basics of how our government works. Many times we want to blame the educational system when in reality it is we, the parents, that are to blame for not teaching our kids.

Let's do some basic instructional coaching on how our representative form of government works. Don't worry, those of you with graduate degrees can still follow along (pay attention and don't over analyze).

Balance of Power
Executive Branch

The President- Contrary to popular belief the President is not elected by popular vote, but rather by members of the Electoral College selected by each state. The Electoral College usually represents the popular vote of the country's registered voters, but not always.

Vice President- Normally selected as a running mate by the President (with the blessing of his party). The President and Vice President form a "ticket" that is voted upon by the Electoral College.
Legislative Branch

Senator- Each state has 2 senators that are elected by the popular vote of it's citizens.

Representative- Elected every 2 years by the popular vote of its citizens. Each state is allowed the amount of representatives as determined by it's population.

Judicial Branch

Supreme Court- Judges are selected by the President and approved by Congress, as vacancies appear.

Amendments to the Constitution

The Amendments are the controlling componants for our form of government. They basically give authority to what Congrees and the President can and can not do. It is not easy to add or change an admendment. Congress must approve an amendment and 3/4 of the states must ratify.

Contrary to popular belief, the President does not run the country. It is the Congress that is responsible for the operation of our form of government. The President does have veto rights on legislation, but the veto can be overturned by a super majority of Congress.

Just wanted to give you the basics.

Here is a handy link for those that have children and they want to learn more.
Just copy and paste:

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